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Business Legal Advice During COVID-19

Blogs from August, 2020


It’s not a surprise to anyone that small businesses are hurting throughout Texas and across the country. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic has left some small business owners reeling. While they thought they were prepared to weather any industry issue, few were ready to face the consequences of stay-at-home orders and the resulting loss of business. 

As Texas business leaders continue to struggle with the consequences of the recent pandemic, the San Antonio business law attorneys at Wilson Law, are your harbor in the storm. Even though the situation remains fluid, we stay up to date with local, state, and national legal changes that affect how you do business.

Here’s how we can help.

Legal Review During COVID-19 

We know that for some of you, business is typical or even booming. You may be in one of the industries that are immune to the pandemic. Or you may be providing an essential product or service on which your customers depend.

If you are looking for someone to assist you with every aspect of your San Antonio business, including incorporation, organization, contract negotiation, or complex business transactions, contact Wilson Law at (210) 405-4919 for a free consultation. Our staff is ready to answer all your business law questions, whether they are related to COVID-19 or not. 

Please know that our staff can conduct new and existing client appointments over the phone or online. We want you to be comfortable as we discuss the future of your business.

Pandemic Legal Consequences 

Unfortunately, we know that many of your concerns come from issues that have arisen due to the pandemic. Just as we were there to support you with your business law needs in January of 2020, we are here for you now.

Here are some concerns we can address related to your business and the pandemic.

Questions Regarding Government Programs

Many of our clients have questions regarding the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, and the $660 billion Paycheck Protection Program. While this program was, in part, designed to keep employees on the payroll, many business leaders have found the program confusing. 

If you have legal questions regarding COVID-19 business loans, schedule time with our staff today.

Questions Regarding Selling Products or Services Online

Many business owners tried to stay afloat by shifting the focus from in-person exchanges to the online marketplace. While this change has technological implications, it may have legal ramifications as well. For example, you may need assistance to alter the language of your terms of service or return policies.

Consult with our online business law experts to understand how you may need to change your policies to sell products or services online.

Questions Regarding Legal Changes to Leases and Contracts

You may be struggling to fulfill the terms of your business’ leases and contracts due to the pandemic. Our experts will analyze these legal documents and advise you on how to best protect your business interests.

Questions About Protecting Your Employees and Customers During a Pandemic

You have dutifully followed OSHA guidelines to provide a safe working environment for your employees, but the recent pandemic has changed that playing field. As a San Antonio business owner, you probably have questions on your legal responsibilities to protect your employees from the coronavirus. While many of these questions are health-related, you may also want to make sure that your safety protocol will protect you from legal action should an employee be affected by the virus.

You may also have questions regarding employee furloughs and terminations, and how remote work contracts and policies differ from typical agreements.

Besides being concerned about your employees, there are also legal considerations for interacting with customers and clients. For example, business owners may need to alter the language in contracts to add policies relevant to this and possible future pandemics. San Antonio business owners that interact face-to-face with clients, such as personal trainers, may need help adding waivers within the text of a client’s contract.

Wilson Law, Lawyers at Law Is Here to Help!

The staff of Wilson Law, has been serving business owners in San Antonio for over 25 years. We know that you have many questions and concerns regarding the recent pandemic, and we are here to help. 

All of our appointments can be conducted over the phone or online. Simply give us a call to set up a free consultation with one of our experts.

The post Business Legal Advice During COVID-19 appeared first on Wilson Law.

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